Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fitting Your Health into Your Busy Day

Days like today are when I realize why many people let go of their health. I was up at 6:30 just so I can start my workout before the busy day ahead of me (and it's summer vacation). If I was in school right now, I probably would have called today my day off and just watched what I ate. So how do most Americans deal with busy days? I think the problem is time management. People don't take the time to really plan everything out. Here are my tips to help you guys out!

  1. Before you go to bed at night, make sure everything is ready for the next day including your outfit, your lunch, etc.
  2. Make sure you plan your day out. Every Sunday, I plan out my next week minute to minute.
  3. Give yourself time to relax. If you have some "me time," you are more likely to want to do more for yourself (like exercise)
  4. MAKE LISTS. My laptop is filled with sticky notes that are filled with lists. I have lists for short-term goals, long-term goals, what I need to do today, and what I need to do by next month. 
  5. Avoid procrastination by setting deadlines for yourself. Even if it is to go get contact solution, make a deadline so that you actually get some before you run out!
I hope these help you. These tips help me stay organized this summer and still get workouts in at least 5 times a week!

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