Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Your Gym Bag Essentials

Telling yourself you are going to the gym is one thing, but actually going requires a lot more than just thinking about it and saying it. One thing that can really help motivate you to go to get that workout in is to pre-pack your gym bag!

Having all your exercise essentials ready in one place really helps when it comes to spontaneous decision making. Think about it: if you are thinking about the pros and cons of getting a workout in, a major factor is actually getting everything you need together. If you have everything all in one place already, half of the work is done and you will be more inclined to get up and go! 

As part of FIT MARCH 2013, I want to instill an idea of pre-organization in you all. I like to call it: thinking ahead. (My mom used to always tell my sisters and I to think ahead before asking questions/going to school because it would make us understand everything better).

Heres how to "think ahead" for the gym:

  • Shorts/yoga pants/leggings. Whatever you feel comfortable in, put them in your gym bag. That way, you already have your favorite workout outfit waiting for you.
  • T-shirt and sports bra. Do I need to explain?
  • Socks. No one likes working out without socks on. Unless you're doing yoga.
  • Sneakers. This one's self-explanatory, but put your sneakers by/into your gym bag. It'll get you even more motivated!
  • Water Bottle. Whether your environmental or not, you need your water! If you're going to a hard workout, maybe coconut water is better!
  • Makeup Remover wipes. Working out in makeup is just asking for breakouts, so take it off!
  • Deodorant. And do not forget to reapply...
  • Hairbrush and hair elastics. I have had my only hair tie break on my countless times during a workout. Bring extra and a hair brush so that your hair doesn't hinder your workout for the day.
  • Tampons. If it's that time of the month, you want to make sure you have plenty to go around, just in case!
  • Ipod/MP3 Player. And make sure it's charged...
  • Towel. Because you know you are going as hard as you can, and you're going to need something to wipe the sweat away ;)
There you have it! Now, every night before you go to bed, make it a habit to pack your gym bag! Think ahead for the next day and make it that much easier on yourself to get a workout in!

Love you always!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How To Reward Yourself!

Hey guys! When Nemo hit Boston, I decided to film a video but I didn't get around to editing/uploading until today...haha so here it is!

Also, stay tuned because something really exciting is going to be announced Friday!

Love always,

Saturday, February 16, 2013

5 Ways to Stay Motivated

During the middle of every month, I always lack motivation. I start the month with a bang, and end the month strutting, but midway I cannot find the willpower to workout sometimes.

Women's Health has a new issue out for March 2013 (Jessica Alba is on the cover), and they had an article about staying motivated. What I liked about this article was that it wasn't the cliches you hear everywhere: think of what your body will look like in 4 months, etc. These were about what would happen immediately after a workout, and it got me excited to workout again!

Here were the rewards they talked about:

  1. Boost Brain Productivity
  2. Make Healthy Friendships at the Gym
  3. Get Glowing Skin
  4. Have Hotter Sex
  5. Sleep Better
If you want to know more about how exercise actually helps with these, please read the article! It was really inspiring and helpful! 

Now, I need to go do the fat burning body workout they had in this issue too!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

5 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Diet

We're almost at Valentine's Day, which means the year has been flying by (and not because I want it to). By now, most people have forgotten about their New Year's Resolutions and feel guilty about it, so if one of yours was to eat healthy this year...look no further! Here are my tips to getting right back on track and maintain a healthy diet (at least for another couple of weeks...hey, spring break is right around the corner!)

  • FIBER. Man, if you knew me in real life I could go on for hours on why I think fiber was the best thing Mother Nature ever decided to create.  How does fiber help you though? Well, it keeps you full for longer than any other food product. Because our bodies cannot digest fiber, it is the main component in what we excrete (yes, fiber makes you poop more...I'm telling you, it's God's given gift). It keeps your body nourished, hydrated, and satisfied for 3-4 hours. Sources: oatmeal, popcorn, whole-grain foods, vegetables, fruits, beans. Get in about 25-27 grams per day of fiber, and your body will be thanking you!

  • VARIETY. Many people see eating healthy as not being about to eat anything. Yes, healthy eating means clean eating, so there are no processed foods in your diet anymore. BUT that doesn't mean you can't have fun with your meals! I'm going to give you a challenge that my friends and I do at dinner at least once a week. Everyone around us thinks we're ridiculous, but it's so much fun and really healthy! We (and I'm being completely honest) have salad contests. Yes. We compete as to who can make the most aesthetically-pleasing salad from the salad bar in the dining hall. And let me tell you, we go all out! When you think of something that looks nice, do you see just one color? NO. You see all the colors of the rainbow. We add everything from spinach to beets to sprouts to fruit on our salads. And the more colorful usually means the better the taste! Have fun with your clean, unprocessed foods people!

  • MEATLESS MONDAY. Now I don't always do this on a Monday, but I do try to get in one day every week where I do not eat any animal product. So, I take meatless to the extreme and do a vegan diet. You can stick to a vegetarian diet for one day a week (some people can't live without cheese, I completely understand). It ties in with the last tip: add variety to your meals! You become more creative, and it makes eating food that is healthy that much more fun when you have to challenge yourself!

  • PORTIONS MY FRIENDS. I know, big plates of food are always the best plates of food (Thanksgiving just kills everyone's idea of a portion, doesn't it?), but smaller portions are always the way to go. Try one cup of rice rather than 2. Maybe 3-4 oz of animal meat rather than 6-8 oz. Keep the portions small to keep that waistline small!

  • MODERATION IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER. If you are craving chocolate, eat a piece of chocolate. If you're craving red velvet cake, eat a slice of red velvet cake. Don't deprive yourself because that is how you get to the bingeing stage when rather than eat a slice of cake, you just eat the entire cake (been there, done that.) When you want chips or bread rather than the apple at Panera, go for it. Just do so in moderation. Only have the chips/bread 1/4 of the times you go to Panera. Have that slice of cake one night a week. Keep the delicious, processed foods in moderation so that your waistline doesn't go anywhere!
There you have it lovelies! Take these tips and run with the wind--English major jokes are awkward because I'm a science major--and whenever you get a bit off track, just jump right back on to the track. 

I love you all lots!

<3, Jo