About Me


Welcome to Breathe Live Fit! My name is Jomarie, and I'm a 20 year old college student studying Nutritional Science in Boston, Massachusetts. Originally from New Jersey, I take pride in being obnoxiously loud, opinionated, but still sophisticated and classy. I started Breathe Live Fit as a place for me to write out my thought processes with everything I am learning. The health industry has become ridiculous with new, real and fake, articles everyday. Also, nutritionists say different things than dietitians and that's why the world is confused. Here, I try to figure it out while I write it out...kind of a coping mechanism if you may.

I grew up in central New Jersey with my mom, dad, and two older sisters. I can remember being 6 years old and starting to become aware of nutrition. Specifically, I was becoming aware of how the quantity and quality of what you eat affects how others look at you. Pretty intuitive for a 6 year old, but I honestly remember thinking that my cousins who ate salads and vegetables weren't lectured by the adults in my family. Whereas my family members who ate rice and beans and full fat cheeses were being chastised by my family.

I also grew up in a Latino family; both my parents are Dominican, so my family is huge, loud, and opinionated. I've gone through a lot when it comes to my health, especially some not so healthy times. 

I treat this blog as my journey. A way for me to express my feelings towards my love/hate relationship with food, exercise, and overall health. I'm not on the internet to gain followers and subscribers; I'm on the internet because it was the easiest place for me to write.

Hope you enjoy.

Lots of love,

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